Blackgang Landslide

Isle of Wight, UK

Site Information

Blackgang is situated on the southern coast of the Isle of Wight. Blackgang is home to rapidly retreating high cliffs with a long history of coastal instability. The slopes between Blackgang and Chale comprise of a complex system of landslide types which have developed in the Lower Greensand, typically comprised of loose unconsolidated sandstone, overlying ferruginous sandstone. The cause of the landslide activity and cliff recession present at Blackgang is due to persistent coastal erosion processes at the base of the cliffs. The coastal slopes have a history of deep seated landsliding that likely dates back to the end of the last glaciation.

Download links for the VR scene and accompanying teaching guides below;


1. Setting Up The Model (with logo).mp4

Help and guides

For help setting up the VR models and using the software please visit this page;