3DTeLC Resources


Navigate from this page for links to download VR software, VR ready models and more.

3DTeLC GeaVR Software

3DTeLC's VR software package, GeaVR. Free download and installation instructions available through the link below. GeaVR allows the user to experience a wide range of geological and geomorphological sites in virtual reality.

3D VR Models

Blackgang Landslide

Isle of Wight, UK

Monte de Fiore Lava Flows

Mt Etna, Italy

Husavik Triple Junction

Northern Iceland

Minoan Volcanic Deposits

Santorini, Greece

1. Setting Up The Model (with logo).mp4

VR Help and Guides

Collection of helpful videos for setting up the GeaVR 3DTeLC software.


Lectures and other resources

Videos of lecture presentations from our partners collaborating in 3DTeLC
